Friday, May 25, 2012

SEND Taiwan 2012:How to bless and pray for our "Vision 119" Summer Teams

Team 1 (July 1/14): from Alhambra Chinese Christian Family Church: There will be seven people coming and be engaged in the Peitun Christian Gospel Church, Taichung(台中市) to reach the Peitun District and do outreach work in the city Ta An (大安), north of Taichung and a Vision 119 town.
Team 2: July 9-13.  Pray for the Cincinnati Chinese Church sending a team of 10 to enable Chinese Living Water Baptist Church of Taichung to reach out to Vision 119 town Tienwei from July 9-13.  Pray for stamina for the team as this will be five days of running both a morning and an afternoon camp for two groups of campers. Pray for sufficient number of helpers, and unity and good organization. There will also be a short termer of the Calvary International Baptist Church, in Taipei joining this team.
Team 3 ( July 30-August 10) : Coming from the Philippine Sending Council: There will be six people coming and minister with the Tanzi Gospel Church (潭子基督教會) to reach out in Tanzi and also in Yuanli (宛理), a Vision 119 town.  Pray for sufficient funds to enable this ministry.
Team 4: Aug 6-10: Praise the Lord for His provision of a team from Hong Kong to enable the Chiayi Team to run a youth camp.
Hakka Ministry in Dongshe (Aug. 18): Gedaishi Team to use Taiwan Opera Style as a means to do Community Evangelism with the book of Ruth. (Last year it was a huge success with the story of Jospeh). The churches in Dongshe, including the church where our SEND Hakka missionaries, Gary and Mabel Meade serve decided to again use a local way for evangelism and to reach out among the thousands of unreached Hakka in and around the city together.

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