Wednesday, May 02, 2007

May 07 1st Week Prayer Requests

* The evangelistic efforts of the OM ship "Doulos" continue to attrack many people, but please pray for lasting spiritual fruit and clear conversions, also among interested expatriates (U.S., U.K. RP, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, etc). Alain will be having the Sunday service messsage on the ship at the 27th.
*)Our son Jonathan is out of Hospital since Monday The white blood cells are in the normal secotr again, but low in umbers. This Saturday his blood must be tested another time,as it is not certain what is causing the white blood cell to be so small in numbers. He has begun to pick up with homework, is eating almost normal and gaining physical strength again. We are thankful for your prayers and hope that the nurses who thus heard about the Gospel of Jesus continue to ponder what we could share with them about Jesus.

* The Chinese-Vietnamese Gospel of Mark Project continues to progress: At the moment the Bible Society of Taiwan waits for the final authorisation from Vietnam to have this product produced under its name. The permission to use the Vietnamese script is in already. As soon as the authorization is in, the details about its production will be on our timetables. TECC would like to have the Bible Society print 20 000 in the first edition.
* Pray for enough sponsors for this project.
* For CCEA's teaching at the Taosheng Theological Seminary, diligence and stamina for the students to lay a good foundation for a mission oriented way of church-planting and - care in an increasingly cross-cultural environment.

* The Taosheng choir ministries are many this month and in May. May God use it to call many into his kingdom, as He did before Christmas.

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