Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Welcome to the 2008 TMF Conference in Taichung
Greetings Co-Laborer:

It is a privilege to be serving you as the '08 TMF Conference chairman! I'm excited about what the Lord is doing in preparation for July 7-12, and I thought it would be nice to share these things with you, so you can thank the Lord with me. Of course, if you haven't yet put the TMF Conference on your schedule --- won't you do so now!

First, I'm absolutely delighted to introduce our speakers, Dr. Darrell Boch & Dr. David Roadcup. These men will absolutely blow your doors off! (More about them in future e-mail updates!) The theme they'll build upon is UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

The theme is fitting, in that the MCA campus will be under construction, as a new EMS building goes up, including library and cafeteria. However, the construction will in no way hinder our purpose of fellowship and iron sharpening! In fact, the construction will serve as a visual aid, we "like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (II Pet 2:5).

Second, I'm thrilled to share that we have two teams from the US coming to TMF this summer --- with the sole purpose of wanting to be a blessing to our children! (More about them another time.)

Third, I believe this is a first -- a bribe to attend the conference, well, at least a cool incentive! Every family or individual who pre-registers by June 1, and attends, will receive a special gift bag! These CARE PACKAGES are the churches way of saying "Thank you for serving overseas!"

Lastly, my mentor always said, "Many hands make light work!" With that in mind, I'm sure we can find a place within the '08 TMF Conference to allow your gifts to bless everyone! If you'd be willing to help in a small or big way, please call or send an e-mail (contact info below). Really, we could use YOU!

Thank you for your prayers! You'll be hearing from me again soon! Until then, blessings to you and bountiful ministry for the Kingdom!

In His Service,
David & Brenda Atkin, '08 TMF Conference Chairman
Team Expansion in Taiwan

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