Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Chinese New Year celebration 07 again came to an end. This year the Christian Tribune published an article with a report of Christian churches who tried to combine the meaning of traditional artifacts like lanterns with the biblical message of Jesus as the true light of the world. – In addition those church members displayed self manufactured artifacts resembling angels, illuminated fruits, lamps etc. showing how different things become through the light shining from the inside. –This stands for a growing observation which is that more must be to change the lcoal culture in order to significantly make inroads in the local non-Christian culture and Taiwans non-Christians life.

- In the course of the annual planing it seems this year is going to be one with a stronger emphasis on large scale evangelism. – Most helpful in this account ist the decision of Operation Mobilisation to send the ship "DOULOS" with its teams to Taiwan’s three harbours Keelung, Taichung and Kaoshiung from March to June 07.
- As the Global Mission Center just has gathered all the officially available data of Christianity in Taiwan this move comes at a good moment and it seems there is more potential than ever before to link up with a maximum of willing churches for interesting evangelistic meetings from north to south. – Everything is still in the beginning, but if we manage to gather forces we could reach a significant number of new friends with the gospel.
- A group of 50 Chinese Christian Restaurant owners has arrived in Taiwan already and is going to work with local churches in North Taiwan in evangelistic outreaches among people whom due to their working timetable hardly ever can make it into a church. They plan to stay until March 20th. At the 16th they will have a special meeting at the House Church of Christ Taipei (10.-12.P.M.) to attract some of those invited workers to hear a special message.

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