Monday, January 05, 2015

Prayer vor the Project "Vision 119"


"Since the creation of the world His [God's] invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. . [They] exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man.."  Romans 1:20, 23

Family Cary and Verna Perdue are reporting: We have just come through the Christmas season with its many opportunities for outreach with the Gospel. Please read some of the updates below concerning these outreaches and ask the Lord  to germinate the seed that was sown and to blossom it into the fruit of salvation for may precious Taiwanese.
There is also an attached page that gives specific pointed requests that reflect deep needs

One pens, "Our Christmas Sunday service on December 21 was held under a clear sky and went smoothly. God heard the prayers of many people. Through God's great grace 196 people participated that day and we hope that all who came received God's blessing. This year was the fifth time that the church has used the auditorium of the LiuJya Junior High School to put on the Christmas Sunday worship service. Each time the school has generously let the church use this facility without charge. This time Principal Tsai also came to show his interest."
And still another writes, "Because Christmas Day is not a public holiday in Taiwan, our church chose to do our celebrating on the weekend before Christmas. Friday evening was a good success. We used a portable sound system and with 17 people we had fun as well as a great opportunity to sing about Jesus in the community. It was really exciting that five of our group were children with whom we are working and some of the parents joined us for refreshments after."

A SEND missionary laboring in DaLin exclaims, "Praise the Lord for about 150 people attending our Christmas program at Ping Lin Elementary School Dec. 21. Pray the Lord to bless Mr. Hu, the school principal, and the many supportive teachers and staff who have welcomed us to the community. 
     Teacher Huang performed with his violin, and says, 'I feel peace when I come to church.' Pray for Mr. Huang and the many that came under the influence of the Gospel.  They need the long term peace which only Christ can give."

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