Sunday, October 14, 2012

Churchplanting among Hakka in Dungshe, Centraltaiwan

In our summer blog publication we reported about the scheduled event of a Taiwanese opera performing the book of Ruth in Dungshe. Mabel & Gary Meade, SEND Hakka missionary in this area report: 
Praise God for her changed life; it has been a powerful testimony to her family especially her father.  One day her father talked to her and her brother for almost 3 hours!  She told Mabel that it was the first time in her life that her father would talk to her without raising his voice or beating her.  God is powerful!!
Taiwanese Opera Play "Ruth Story"-1

Community Praise Dance #1
Praise the Lord that our Praise Dance class has been growing.  We average about 30+ people.  There were a couple of times we had over 40 people.  The warehouse is so packed that folks are exercising in the alley in front of the warehouse.  You can imagine the publicity, can’t you? 

Community Praise Dance #2
Well, the Lord must know we do not exercise enough.  Therefore, He provides us with another opportunity to start another Praise Dance class in a place close to our church.  If the Lord willing, we will be starting this new class on October 15.  While you are praising God and rejoicing with us on this great pre-evangelism opportunity, please pray also for protection upon us and our co-worker from our church.  The place where we are going to have the Praise Dance class is a community activity center located in a temple; we will be at the heart of our enemy’s territory.  We will be there to sing praises to our God.  We are not afraid but we need to be alert.
Taiwanese Opera Play "Ruth -Story" -2
Replay of God’s Grace
On August 18 the hill side area churches joined our effort again to put out our 2nd Taiwanese Christian opera in the downtown area of Dongshi.  Last year when we did this, it was pouring down rain till about 2p.m.   Then the Lord provided us with a breeze and the ground and the stage were dried up!  We had a great turnout on that day.

When it stopped raining, we were singing praises.  As soon as it started to rain again, we were praying.  Nothing was going to stop the 6:30p.m. opera performance.  We were all waiting to see what God would do.  Amazingly, the rain stopped at around 6p.m. and the wind came to again dry the ground and the stage.  People started to come and the result was that we had no sitting space (at least 600 chairs).  People were standing everywhere to watch this opera.  Last year opera was on Joseph and his colorful robe.  This year was on Ruth. 
Community worship with Hakka 600 believers in the hills of Dungshe
After the opera we were so delighted to see that a secular newspaper had a write-up on the opera.  The article was so big and so accurate.  It even printed out some of the Bible verses from Ruth!  We could not ask for better advertisement for our Jehovah God! 

9/23/12  Combined Service  Representatives from 11 churches of 8 denominations were together under one roof to worship our God.  It was a blessed time for all! Praise God for the combined effort from churches in the hill areas of Dongshi.  We had a great turnout at the Taiwanese Christian Opera on Aug 18 and a well-attended combined worship service on Sept 23.  This joint effort has become a powerful testimony to both non-Christians in the areas and Christians all over Taiwan!
1.     Pray for the new Praise Dance class.  We are having the class in the temple!  Pray for protection and guidance from God.
     Pray for more willing Christian workers who have a heart for the Hakka and assist in church planting, together with our partners. (more on youtube)

2.     Pray for a national pastor will come before we leave Dongshi Baptist Church at the end of this year.  We have no candidate at this time.


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